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Actum Consulting AB

Ulf A Kurkiewicz

Complex problem solving

Creativity is essential for solving complex problems - the kind of problems we often face in a fast-paced world.

Our effort to train people to be more creative has not been that successful in a broader meaning. There is a pretty simple explanation for that. We have tried to train a skill, when we should have trained a state of mind.

Conventional logic works really well for solving discrete problems with definite answers.

But the ”wicked problems” of today require more creative responses. The ability to find solutions requires holding conflicting perspectives and using frictions to synthesize a new idea. The ability to constructively face the tension of opposing ideas is the only way to adress this kind of complexity.

Modern science is looking into ways of improving creativity and there are many ways to actually achieve that.The amplified information processing and perspective that non-ordinary states provide can help solve these type of complex problems, and they can often do so faster than more conventional approaches.

Wicked problems are those without easy answers - where our rational, binary logic breaks down and our normal tools fail us. But the information richness of a non-ordinary state affords us perspective and allows us to make connections where none may have existed before. And it does not seem to matter which technique we deploy; mindfulness, technological stimulation or pharmacological priming, the end result are substantial.

In some cases the gains are actually amazing; a 200 percent boost in creativity, a 490 percent boost in learning, a 500 percent boost in productivity.

Creativity, learning, and productivity are essential skills and those percentage gains are big numbers. Behind this lies seven decades of research, conducted by hundreds of scientists on thousands of participants, showing that when it comes to complex problem solving, non-ordinary states could be the ”wicked solution” we have been looking for.

Besides the earlier mentioned Gaines the researcher also found a relationship between his ability to use non-ordinary states and the ability to make more ethical and empathetic decisions.

From the past we create standard situations. We judge into which ”standard situation box” a new situation falls. Once we have made this judgement, or course of action is set.

Maybe this would be something to practice in schools and higher institutions of education together with the children, adolescents and young grown ups instead of filling them up with different kind of facts that will not be beneficial for them in real life?

Be Conscious



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