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Actum Consulting AB

Ulf A Kurkiewicz

Letting down the young ones

Our small children, teenagers and young people are meeting challenges much larger than most of us has had to coop with. In school, in private life and in working situations. They have a constant inflow from the grown up world, influencers of different kind, and from social media. A constant inflow of information and alleged musts. No wonder that they feel insufficient and sometimes get psychological issues.

Influences that can remove the lust for curiosity.

How did we end up here? The young ones are the ones that will take over and run the show when we get old and does not work or contribute with other things anymore. We, the grown ups are the ones with responsibility for the occurring situation. We are the ones letting all the things that makes it almost impossible for the young ones to be children and act as children. Instead we transfer the requirements from the adult world and the society right down to them that will have to take care of our misstakes.

You have to do this, and you have to do that, you have to contribute to society and you have to have a higher education and you have to have a good and wealthy job. It goes on forever. I do not say that we should not have requirements towards the young ones, but more related to what kind of requirements. We also need to be the ones that protect our young people from all the influence from social media and other sources. We the grown ups have this responsibility, but we need to take responsibility in action, not just have it.

What kind of challenges can we predict to have impact on our young ones right now, and which are the challenges we are leaving to them to be handled later on? Things that we have not managed to handle, consciously or just by being focused on our self instead and forgetting about what we pass on to our beloved young ones.

Is it possible to say that this is for school, on different levels, to handle? Or can we say it is up to the parents to see to it? Our is it for the society and politicians to take care of it? The answer is both yes and no at the same time. We can all se some of the challenges the young ones meet on a daily basis, regardless if it is in school, university, working environment or in private life. We can see it and many of us point at someone else to handle it. It is not my responsibility to do that.

Many of us look for the silver bullet that does not exist. The beginning of the solution lays in the fact that this is a solution that require a system view. The challenges cannot be handled in isolated spaces or areas. It requires a holistic view and an understanding of the existing and the coming challenges as such.

This topic is very large and I will write a number of articles with my view of this. I am totally aware of that my view will not be appreciated of everyone, but I will do it anyway.

I will start with the things we start to pour in to our children when they go to school. Young playful kids with open minds, ful of creativity and curiosity. Kids that just want to be kids that play and respect other kids. Kids that want to learn things, kids with different kinds of conditions and dreams.

What do we actually learn them, and what do we not learn them? A question that will be the next topic.

Stay Conscious



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